Translation and Surtitling
Dr Charlotte Bomy studied German Philology, Philosophy and Theatre Science in Strasbourg and Berlin. She obtained her Phd in 2008, and in 2012 she completed her postdoctoral research as part of the French-German programme Fernand Braudel-IFER at Institut für Theaterwissenschaft at the Free University of Berlin. Her research focuses on contemporary German-language drama, the relationship between image and text in the performing arts, political theatre and the staging of protest. Since 2012 she has worked as a translator in theatre and the social sciences. Her translations include works by Ingrid Lausund, Darja Stocker, Sasha Marianna Salzmann and Maxi Obexer. She has received translation awards from Transfert Théâtral, Eurodram, Centre National du Théâtre ans Maison Antoine Vitez, to name a few. As a surtitler she has been in charge of more than thirty touring productions in France and in Germany. Currently she is co-curating the anthologies Afropäerinnen – Theatertexte aus Frankreich und Belgien (2021) and Surf durch undefiniertes Gelände – Internationale queere Dramatik (2022) with Lisa Wegener, for the book series Drama Panorama, published by Neofelis Verlag.
Translation focus:
Drama, Opera, Prose, Dance and Theatre Science, Musicology, Humanities, Social Science, Philosophy, Gender Studies, Visual Studies, journalism.
Theatre translations (a selection):
Perikizi (Perikizi) von Emine Sevgi Özdamar, with financial support from Deutscher Übersetzerfonds (Programm Neustart Kultur), 2021.
Ramayana. La tentative d’être un héros (Ramayana. Ein Heldenversuch) von Karen Köhler, nach dem Rāmāyana für Menschen ab 10 Jahren, 2021.
Cygnes noirs (Schwarze Schwäne) von Christina Kettering, with financial support from the Maison Antoine Vitez, Paris, 2020-2021.
Nirgends in Friede. Antigone. (Nulle part en paix. Antigone) von Darja Stocker, with financial support from the program Elmar Tophoven (Robert Bosch Stiftung/ Deutscher Übersetzerfonds), 2019. Presses Universitaires du Midi (PUM), bilingual edition, 2020, 138 pp.
Monstres – on ne danse pas pour rien, with Rébecca Chaillon et al. Surtitling for Tanztage Fabrik Potsdam, 29 – 30 May 2018 (with Lisa Wegener).
Délit de solidarité (Illegale Helfer) by Maxi Obexer, 2017 (with Katharina Stalder), L’Arche Éditeur.
Les Combats des femmes (Die Kämpfe der Frauen) by Maxi Obexer, 2016 (with Katharina Stalder), l’Arche Éditeur.
Mameloschn (Muttersprache Mameloschn) by Sasha Marianna Salzmann, 2015, L’Arche Éditeur, with financial support from “Transfert théâtral”; the translation received awards from Eurodram and the Centre National du Théâtre (2015).
La Colère d’Oympe (Zornig geboren) by Darja Stocker, 2012, with financial support from “Transfert théâtral”. Presses Universitaires du Mirail, bilingual edition, 2012, 192 pp.
Published translations in the social sciences (a selection):
L’industrialisation de la musique populaire et Pourquoi les chansons ont-elles des paroles ? (EN>FR). In Sociologie des musiques populaires: lire Simon Frith, ed. by F. Ribac, Les presses du réel, Dijon, 2018.
Institution (In: Kritik des Theaters) by Bernd Stegemann. In: Revue Incise, ed. by D. Scott, Théâtre de Gennevilliers, 2017, pp. 236-259.
Mise en scène des rôles féminins dans le théâtre d’E. Schleef by Miriam Dreysse and Peuple trahi et November 1918: Topographie d’une révolution d’après E. Schleef et A. Döblin by Christina Schmidt, in, Einar Schleef par-delà le théâtre: Mise en scène, écriture, peinture, photographie, ed. by F. Baillet, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2016, pp. 57-69 and pp. 125-139.
Further references:
Théâtre National de Strasbourg, MC93 (Bobigny), Nuits de Fourvière, Les Célestins Théâtre de Lyon, Théâtre Le-Maillon (Straßburg), Münchner Kammerspiele, Festival Augenblick mal! (Berlin), Schaubühne Lindenfels Leipzig, Sprachspiel, Revue Le Bruit du Monde, Revue La Main de Thôt, Revue d’Histoire du Théâtre, Editions Syllepse, Les Cahiers d’Études Germaniques, CNRS Éditions, Les presses du réel, Comtemporary And (C&), die Tageszeitung (taz), lingua·trans·fair, Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (BpB), International Theater Institute (ITI)